We have been closely watching the events that have been unraveling this past week, and our hearts are broken for those who have lost their lives, their families, and for all Black people who have to live in constant fear of the terrorism that is white supremacy.

We at AMPLIFY condemn systemic oppression and racism that result in state-sanctioned violence against Black people. We demand justice for Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, Tony McDade, and the many Black lives that were taken away by white supremacist cops and vigilantes.

We stand in solidarity with those who are risking their lives protesting and demanding protection for Black lives. These demonstrations that we have witnessed within our home and across the country are not riots but revolutions.

Racism is a public health crisis.

Because of racism, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color are dying at much higher rates than their white neighbors. Because of racism, Black folks are being murdered in the streets by the police. Until we end white supremacy, we cannot resolve these ongoing crises. And until we eradicate racism, we cannot achieve reproductive freedom for all.

Whether you are staying home to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19 or protesting in the streets, there are many ways to stand up for Black lives. If you are looking for ways to support the movement, please refer to the resources shared below. Remember that there are local, Black-led organizations whose sole mission is to fight for racial equity. They began this work long before this uprising and will continue to fight long after. It is our responsibility to follow their lead and support their work.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of organizations and resources:

Black-Led, Racial Justice Organizations in Georgia

National Organizations Fighting for Racial Equity


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Send an email to your representatives urging them to prioritize Reproductive Justice during this legislative session.

Learn about our Georgia Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda and the policies we’re prioritizing to achieve reproductive freedom in Georgia.

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