Faith & RJ


About this campaign

As part of AGC’s culture shift work, we seek opportunities to create space to learn from and educate faith leaders about community members’ needs and obstacles when accessing abortion and reproductive healthcare. By doing this, we hope to counter the culture of stigma surrounding pleasure, our bodies, and abortion and see more faith spaces that are whole sources of support.


To educate people of faith and support them as they become more visible in their support of reproductive rights, health, and justice. We aim to provide them with the tools they need to be culture shifters around the topic of Reproductive Justice.


We want to create a community of people of faith who visibly and vocally support reproductive rights, health, and justice.

God Is Pro-Choice and So Am I Blog

This blog series features clergy and people of faith digging into the idea of choice and how God’s love upholds and affirms our free will and ability to choose.If you are a faith leader or person of faith who cares deeply about the whole lives of people—if you understand that you must work to declare the good news of liberation to the poor, the captive, the sick, and the otherwise oppressed, it is our hope that you will join Amplify in protecting choice. Share your voice to let our supporters know that there is an intersection between religion, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice.

Inspired to share your story?

The Justice Statement

As progressive people of faith, it is important for our voices to be heard now more than ever. The global COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted and deepened existing disparities that we contend with within our world. We have seen legislation passed that will disproportionately affect the most marginalized of us, while other bills that could provide respite are denied by a legislative body fueled by greed instead of the will of the people. 

As the progressive faithful, we must make clear that we stand firmly in our faith on the side of a just and equitable world. In this statement, we make clear our faithful understanding of and collective vision for that just world…

Send an email to your representatives urging them to prioritize Reproductive Justice during this legislative session.

Learn about our Georgia Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda and the policies we’re prioritizing to achieve reproductive freedom in Georgia.

Watch the Roundtable