The Reproductive Freedom Act

About this campaign

Everyone has the right to decide if they will carry a pregnancy to term or have an abortion. That decision should be met with support and resources, never barriers or shame. Abortion should be easy to access, no matter how much money you make, where you live, or your age, race, immigration status, or gender identity. The Reproductive Freedom Act campaign is using organizing and advocacy to advance policy that repeals Georgia’s medically-unnecessary abortion restrictions and makes abortion care accessible to everyone who needs it.

When a person decides to have an abortion, they should have access to timely, safe, legal, and affordable abortion care without having to fear shame, stigma, punishment, or systemic violence. 

But Georgia has passed a host of medically-unnecessary, politically motivated laws that restrict abortion access and fall hardest on those of us who already deal with discriminatory barriers to healthcare—Black, Indigenous, and other people of color; immigrants, women, queer and trans folks, and young people; rural Georgians and people working to make ends meet.

What This Bill Does

Take a look at this legislation, introduced in the Senate and the House in January of 2023
  • Affirms that every individual who becomes pregnant has the right to choose to continue the pregnancy or have an abortion
  • Prevents individuals from being criminalized for pregnancy loss and protects them from potential aggressive state or local prosecutors
  • Repeals all abortion bans throughout pregnancy, including the six-week ban
  • Repeals biased counseling, forced ultrasounds, and mandatory delays
  • Prevents providers from being prosecuted for providing abortion care
  • For patients in rural areas and everywhere else, by expanding the group of trained healthcare professionals who can provide abortion care
  • For young people, by providing additional options to navigate the parental notification law
  • For people working to make ends meet, by allowing more insurance plans to cover abortion care (ACA plans, state employee plans, and Medicaid)


1 in 4

1 in 4 women will have an abortion by age 45. 


60% of people having an abortion are already parents of one or more children.


77% of Georgian voters. support reproductive freedom


Yet, since 2005, Georgia politicians have passed 13 new medically-unnecessary and politically-motivated abortion restrictions, like required waiting periods, insurance coverage restrictions, and a near-total abortion ban, creating a web of barriers that push safe and affordable abortion care out of reach. 95% of Georgia’s counties (over 150 out of 159) do not have an abortion clinic 


There are only 15 clinics that provide abortions in Georgia.  They are all located in the other 5% of Georgia’s counties, forcing most Georgians to travel a significant distance to an abortion provider. For rural Georgians, this can mean driving hours each way just to access the care they need.

  1. Georgia voter statistics expanded here
  2. Campaign’s review of Georgia Code Annotated, here


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Sign the petition to support the Reproductive Freedom Act

Get directly involved with the Reproductive Freedom Act by canvassing with us!

Get more information and action steps at Georgia’s abortion information hub.

Core Campaign Members

Our mission is to educate Georgians on the political reasons for all the barriers we face in accessing abortion care, and to build community power that compels the Georgia General Assembly to pass laws that liberate abortion access, making safe abortions accessible for everyone in the state who needs them.