Make no mistake, what we saw on Wednesday, January 6th in D.C. and here at Georgia’s capitol was a violent, White supremacist insurrection. These events are not anomalies or a result of a few bad actors—they are part of a larger pattern of events and a history of White Supremacy in the United States.
Like many of you, we have been experiencing waves of rage, fear, and sadness as we attempt to process these horrific events and the state of our country. These emotions are natural, and no one should have to just “push through” like the world around us isn’t on fire. We deserve time to process, grieve, and regroup.
We condemn this violence and will continue to fight for justice for our communities. We know that we cannot win reproductive justice without racial justice and gender justice. In the words of In the words of Janelle Monáe, “None of us are free, until all of us are free.”
We stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and Brown activists in Georgia and across the U.S. who march for Black Lives, register and turn out voters, and organize in countless other ways to achieve collective liberation.
We will not let them steal our joy. The attempted coup on Wednesday does not diminish our hard-fought wins in November and January. This is Black and Brown power in action. Joy and pleasure are sacred acts of resistance, and we will not back down.

Sign the petition to demand an investigation into the use of deceptive practices and to defund fake clinics.

Learn about how fake clinics, or “crisis pregnancy centers”, effect pregnant Georgians and taxpayers.